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HTC partnered with Google to launch the Android platform, simply it has struggled to remain relevant in the face of ever-increasing competition from the likes of Samsung, Huawei, and Apple. The company has been losing coin quarter later quarter for years, just this may be the beginning of the end. Later releasing its latest flagship telephone, HTC's sales roughshod past the largest margin still.

According to HTC'south latest numbers, it took in $72 million (2.2 billion Taiwanese dollars) during June. That compares to $226.5 million (vi.9 billion Taiwanese dollars) in June of 2022. This is a whopping 68 percent twelvemonth-over-twelvemonth decline. Sales were fifty-fifty a few one thousand thousand lower than they were in May, suggesting an ongoing downwardly trend.

Such a huge drop in sales would be bad nether any circumstances, but this comes just equally HTC has launched a new phone. The U12+ is the visitor's latest attempt to win back market share, but the phone has received largely negative reviews. The U12+ doesn't have any physical buttons, relying instead on pressure level-sensitive nubs that plug into the "Border Sense" clasp feature. The experience is terrible . I feel similar HTC is falling apart after using this phone. No functional company could greenlight that telephone. There are too no US carrier deals, and the phone costs $800.

HTC doesn't provide profits on a monthly basis, and then we don't know how much it lost during June. It'south certain to have lost something, though. In the well-nigh recent quarter, HTC bled near $170 million. Fifty-fifty if its losses remain steady for the rest of the year, that would be $680 million. You may recall HTC pulled in $1.1 billion from a deal involving the transfer of 2,000 engineers to Google. That money isn't going to final long with HTC hemorrhaging money like this.

HTC Dream

The HTC Dream was the first Android device to hit the market.

These disappointing monthly results come on the heels of HTC's proclamation that it plans to lay off a quarter of its existing workforce, some i,500 individuals. HTC had about twenty,000 workers in 2022, but its fortunes had already started to turn at that betoken. Its share of the smartphone market peaked in 2022 at 10.7 percent. Currently, HTC makes up less than i percentage of the global market.

HTC has been doing the same thing for years, and that affair hasn't worked. Its hardware, software, warranty support, and cloud services are falling behind even newer competitors similar OnePlus. Unless HTC tin can pull off a phenomenon, it's probably destined to exist acquired for its patent portfolio.